How to create a custom domain

TeeChip makes it quick and easy to create a fully branded online store via custom domains. When designed effectively, custom domains strengthen brand value, encourage repeat purchases, improve upselling, and ultimately increase sales.

An example of a custom domain on TeeChip (view at

Step 1: Navigate to the domain creation page

Sign in to your TeeChip account, click Domains and then click Create Domain” to get started with domain creation.


Step 2: Fill out domain name details

Once on the New Domain” page, you must name your website, add social media links (optional), upload a homepage banner and logo, and choose a highlight color to complement your brand.

Elements of a custom domain

Step 3: Register your domain

Click Proceed to domain name registration” once domain details are complete. Enter your domain name below to check for availability—a green checkmark will appear to confirm. Click Proceed to Payment” to complete the process. Domains will be ready in roughly 3 hours.

All-inclusive annual fee of $50
You will be charged an annual fee of $50 for your custom domain. This fee covers domain name registration, SSL certificate creation, and other administrative fees.

Step 4: Fill your custom domain with new campaigns

Want to add campaigns to your domain? You’ll need to create new campaigns and assign them to your domain. On the last step of campaign creation, click the drop-down list under “URL” and select the appropriate custom domain URL.

Select the correct domain URL for your new campaigns.

Step 5: Add collections to improve site navigation

Collections are found on your custom domain homepage and they feature your storefronts. Collections highlight up to 4 of your campaigns and display 1 banner image with custom text. Click the toggle button next to “Collection 1” to activate a collection.

Step 6: Fill out your collection details

First, assign a storefront to your collection. Next, add a title, description, and call-to-action in the font color of your choosing. Finally, add your banners images — we allow separate desktop and mobile banners for better optimization and higher conversions. (Download FREE homepage templates here.) Click “Save Changes” to publish your store.

There you have it! In just 6 simple steps, your custom domain is officially ready for business. To see a real custom domain in action, check out

Create a custom domain on TeeChip today!

Create your custom domain