Custom navigation

Arrange your top navigation bar exactly the way you want with the Custom Navigation tool for custom domains. Select up to 6 top navigation links (“L1 tags”) with 12 additional dropdown links (“L2 tags”) under each category.

Example of custom navigation at

How to set up custom navigation

1. Navigate to Domains > Details

2. Click “Add Main Navigation”

3. Select an L1 tag

a. Click under “Main Navigation” and type your desired tag
b. Click on the tag to assign it

4. Select L2 tags

a. Click under “Secondary Navigation” and type your desired tag
b. Click on the tag to assign it
c. Repeat this process until you’ve added all your tags
d. Rearrange tags with drag and drop (if desired)

5. Continue to add L1 and L2 tags

Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your navigation is complete.

6. Click “Save changes”

Organize your custom navigation today

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